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Real LYFE: September 2005

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Growing Pains

A lesson in life that I had to learn the hard way is, you can't trust everybody. The ones that you least expect are the ones who will attempt to ruin your reputation...Beware!

I've learned one thing this week. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer! You can never allow someone to get an "in" on you without investigating matters yourself. Otherwise, you set yourself up to be messed (wanted to use another word) over!

Be on guard! Take a keen look at those who attempt to get close to you during this season in your life. Ask questions such as, what are you in my life for? Why? Where did you come from and for what purpose? Are you going to help me or hinder me?

Just a thought to ponder on this day!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

On My Way

Today is a great day!
In spite of situations that are beyond my control, it’s still a day that should be lived to the fullest capacity. Someone asked me how do I do all that I do, endure hardships and persecution with people never really understanding the real “me” but continue to walk around so excited about life? Well, it’s easy because I am always thinking about the bigger picture. Where I am today is only a stepping stone to a great future that I have waiting on me to show up! My future began the day that I let go of yesterday! Today is a portal to the anticipated unknown. What does tomorrow hold for me? Not sure, but I know that it’s better than what I have right now! I don’t know about you but I’m on my way to a great beginning. I found out that I’m walking this road all by myself…yet God has sustained me and is continually giving me everything that I need for the journey.
See ya!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Expect Anything

Like many of you, sometimes I really get tired…I get weary…I think that it shouldn’t take all the extra drama. But, what do I do? On this journey, I’ve encountered many different scenarios but they’ve all made me into the person that I am today. What is going to come of this? Maybe a time of consecration or a time of preparation; but the question is preparation for what? Preparation for what’s next!

Tomorrow is not promised, but if I am completely obedient along this way, He promised that through all the trials and tribulations that I go through; he’d be right by my side. It becomes quite difficult to constantly be bombarded with circumstance after circumstance. One after the other, while at the same time still pushing forward through the mire to see what’s going to happen next. I’ve learned a lesson, or at least I think I’m learning a valuable lesson on this journey, which is to PUT MY TRUST IN NO MAN, ONLY GOD!

I can’t say that betrayal is something I expected because I’d be lying, but if Jesus was betrayed, why am I complaining? I did say that “I wanted to be like Christ,” so betrayal goes along with the territory that I’m walking on. Although it’s rough to see those I love turn away, I’m yet encouraged to stay in the fight! No “2bit 4bit 6bit” a dollar punk is going to get me to turn around and forsake my purpose and destiny…HELL NO! God told me that this journey would be fierce and to hold on to Him NO MATTER WHAT because it would get rocky! The tripped out thing is I’m more encouraged today than I was yesterday because I believe that there is a lesson behind each trial. And as I journey to discover the great mystery of God, the unknown, I understand full well that it won’t be without pain and suffering, I know this full well, but I’m yet one step closer to my goal. A closer walk with Him! That’s my quest anyway…a closer walk with Him?

I looked at the calendar and realized that it’s the ninth month of the year. Nine months is a complete cycle for a child to be born. A couple of years ago, one of my young people was giving birth to a child. What does a childbirth represent? It means that a cycle has come full scale and is now complete. For some people it was quite uncomfortable and for others it was a time of great awakenings...wherever you are on your journey…know this day that the cycle is almost over! The ninth month is here and if I were you I would be expecting ANYTHING!!!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

God Gave Me What I Asked For

The Lord told me a while ago that we were coming into a dimension where we would pray for something and it would be manifested…almost overnight! And it came to pass…I have found that there is something special about hitting the floor in prayer. When I say “hit” the floor, I’m not referring to striking the floor with one’s hand…I’m referring to laying prostrate (face down). I felt the weight of ministry in a way that I have never felt before…I couldn’t take it any longer and I began to weep. Weep uncontrollably because I got sick and tired of business as usual. What would it take for people to think twice about coming into the church? Not my church, individually, I’m referring to people in Christendom just coming to church with no regard for the Glory of God or any regard for His authentic presence…no regard period for the things of God. I was sick and tired of the mundane stuff that is going on throughout the body of Christ. If we are His representatives…then why do we walk around so defeated? If we are his representatives then why do we have one good day, then 16 bad days to follow? If we are apart of the piece of the body of Christ…then why don’t we use the authority that He gave us that we are supposed to walk in? Do people at our places of employment really know that we are believers walking in the Kingdom? Do they really? Do you have a testimony about yourself that distinguishes you from the norm?

Well, as I stated, I went to the ground…it was just me and God…and I prayed for the glory of the Lord to fall…I asked the Lord to “show me His glory”…not for my benefit, but, so that our young people would know that He is the Lord. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want the emotional hype that is played on throughout the body of Christ. I don’t want the usual…I want the unusual as it pertains to His glory. While I’m living in this body of flesh…I want to see the scriptures come to life. I want to see someone that is dead raised to life. I want to see with my own eyes…someone born blind receive their sight. I want to see with my own eyes someone who is terminally ill healed by the power of the Lord. I want to see people walk into the church building and fall to the ground because they walked in and the glory of the Lord was so thick…that even the unbelievers have to repent! I want to see real revival. Not the revival where a prophet (which really is just a preacher from out of town) comes in for 3 days and preaches and then 4 get saved, 10 get delivered and have to be “worked” on in the back, and 16 come back into the fellowship of believers. NO…real revival is when God’s glory hits in such a way…that someone at the "club" downtown begins to cry and then finds their way to the church…and falls down at the altar. Real revival is when someone is at work and begins to weep and gets saved on the spot…real revival is when folks come off the street corner simply feel God so tough that they HAVE to get it right with the Lord, there are no if's and's or but's about it…there is such a compelling pull on their spirit…that they won’t rest until they HAVE gotten in right standing with the Lord! I told the Lord that I want to see the days where the latter glory is greater than the former that I’ve heard so much about but never experienced.

God manifested Himself in such a way to me…He told me, “I heard your prayer…and I granted your request!”

So I say to all…GET READY, GET READY, GET READY! WATCH THIS…WATCH THIS…WATCH THIS! What is about to take place…it is going to be exceeding abundantly above all that anyone of us could ask or think!


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Refiner's Fire

It’s tight right now! I know this, but hear me when I tell you, DON’T MISS WHAT’S HAPPENING! Yes, the past few days could have gone a little better or maybe even the past few weeks, but still, don’t give up the fight. Remember what I told you a little while back, God will not change His mind...He doesn't have to change His mind...because who knows better than Him just what He placed inside of you? Trust in Him and know that He is God!

This has been a weeding out process because of the crowd that we’ve kept ourselves around. It’s been tough for me, because the ones that I wanted to continue to hang around are the very ones that I had to let go of. And I’m not talking about because I was sleeping around or anything like that. Because that couldn’t be further from the truth. I had to let go of me and grab hold to God. It’s a lot easier said than done…
Right now, in my life, I feel as if I'm in a fire of sorts. You see, in a tears away burns away riff-raff from what it's been attached too. When you look at fire that's on a stove and you see the pots and pans that are placed on top of the stove after it's been lit. You can tell the difference from a pot or pan that's been used a number of times...because the bottom of it is scorched. It's been placed on the fire and the fire heats up to such a degree that whatever is on the other side of the metal, it either melts or tenderizes to a state where it is edible for use.
So, I'm not crazy! I understand what's happening, but that doesn't dull the pain. It's tight because of what God is taking me into.
The fire is hot right now so that it will get all of the impurities out. We all have them, and any time you're being trained, prepared, mentored for a great purpose, you have to go through a season of testing. Well, here it is, front and center! Your ability to go through the challenges and controversies with your head up will determine how long you stay in this "fire!" I have to admit that I hate where I am right now but I know it's good for me. Just like when your mother or father would give you caster oil when you weren't feeling well, although the taste was horrible, it made you feel better.
The refiner's fire is not here to kill but to purify you and I from "dead" weight!

Monday, September 19, 2005

It’s Tight Right Now!

Things are real tight around here and all I want to know is, will you be around when the dust settles? I see us on a minefield…and there are plans that God has given each and everyone of us to get to the other side. However, as usual, many of us feel the need to take our friend, Ray Ray or Jackie, or __________(you fill in the name). For those of you who are familiar with mine fields, a minefield is set to go off with the slightest touch…and it’s something that you really need to go through alone. This is the way God chooses to get our attention. We can’t give God our undivided attention because we won’t let go of the person or persons we’re trying to take with us on the journey. So, we in turn, are cursing them as well as ourselves. When the mines on the field begin to erupt and people begin to fall by the wayside…my question is…how will that make you feel? They may have had a chance if you could have released them from the death grip you had them in. The bottom line is, God wants you all by yourself on this journey. Otherwise you’ll never be able to know who He is…COMPLETELY. The problem is you have a trust issue because you didn’t have a daddy or your mama was always at work and you had to fend for yourself. I understand the excuses, I really do BUT it doesn’t change what God is calling for, or does it?

As I’ve said before…it’s going to cost you EVERYTHING you have. Nothing will be left unturned…that’s why you must be rooted and grounded in Him. If you aren’t…we’ll be able to tell, because you’ll be the one that stops coming to church, bible study, choir practice, business meetings, Sunday school, and anything else that you’re apart of…why? Because you’ve got blown off your feet! Oh, and this goes for the person who doesn’t go to church as well. You know, the community minded person who is turned off from church so they pore themselves into any and everything that’s going on in the community. You’re in every organization and you’re at every club, but when God shakes…not even you can stand after being touched by God!

Your aim and focus for this next phase has got to be to be like the palm tree. The palm tree, for those who don’t know…the roots are just as deep in the ground as it is tall above the ground. A palm tree won’t go anywhere in the event of a tragic disaster…and in that, if it’s cut or it breaks…nothing happens to the foundation. It’s rooted and grounded and cannot be shaken…it may lose a few limbs and it may lose its leaves…but it won’t be moved!!! With all of the stuff that is taking place in the world right now you need to check yourself before you wreck yourself! I remember when I saw the Lord…wow! It wasn’t pretty and I still have my scars…but I love Him like never before…I love Him more today…then I loved Him yesterday…that’s the thing about God…He won’t come face to face with you and leave you the same way you came. You may not like what happens to you at first…but when you look back on the situation you realize that had it not been for Him violently interrupting your life…and violently breaking you away and snatching you out of your crowd…you’ll see that you should be 6 feet under!!!

Just keeping it real with you today! I hope to see you when the dust settles…hold on…it’s tight right now and it’s about to get even tighter!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

It's Almost Showtime

I used to wonder what was going on and why I was so different from everybody else. I used to think I was crazy for my “far-reaching” ideas. I used to second-guess myself so much, but not anymore! This week, already has been a mind-boggling experience, if I can say so myself. In a matter of just a few short hours, I’ve received phone calls and emails that have done nothing but further substantiated and confirmed what I was suspecting, and that is it’s almost show time! I mean, there are a lot of things that are starting to make sense…and all I want to say is, if you’re feeling crazy about what’s going on around you…you’re not alone.

In not too many days from now, what God has been doing in you is going to be revealed to those who've been laughing at you and talking about you. I’m just now realizing that the hell that I went through was to get me confident in myself to the point where I can LIVE! Live and not be encumbered with others expectations of me. Live to my fullest capacity without doubting myself. Do you realize that most people never ever get to this point in their life? They spend most of their life trying to fit in with the Smith’s and the Jones’ and never ever fit in without compromising something that God never intended for them to compromise. Even now, if I can be REAL, I am struggling with the issue of being real because for so long I’ve worn a mask for people. At this point in my life, I know what’s expected and how to do what I need to too “save face.” This is what I’m transitioning through because my purpose and destiny is too important for me to get scared now.

And my thing is this, if the other crap didn’t scare me, then why am I entertaining the idea of being afraid? If being molested didn’t scare me from confronting my issues, then why am I trippin’? Why the need to be all “up in arms?” I’ve got to remember that it’s almost showtime! In so doing, I’ll be able to keep a level head!

My entire surrounding has changed and it’s up to me to make the best of it. My crowd has diminished…I feel like I’m living out the song, “You wanted to throw me away, but now I’m hot” because that’s literally how it’s going to be in just a minute when the show begins! Even though I should have told them off, you could have told them off, you would have told them heard God say, HOLD YOUR PEACE! Once your unveiling occurs, those who walked away from you while you were going thru will try to come back in your life...and when you should slam the door in their face your obligation is to embrace them and bestow upon them the love of Christ! Now, I didn't say, "lay up and shoot the breeze" because you don't have time for casual conversations. You found out that they were only with you for the fishes and the loaves when they walked out on you. God has replaced them with covenant brothers and sisters who are hearing the same thing you've been hearing and who are walking along the same road that you're walking on. You've come to a place that whatever happens next...your hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' love and righteousness. Don't get caught up in the hype of it all because there are those who would try to prostitute the miracle that has taken place in and through your life. Don't even entertain the thought. There is a group of people who have already been where you're going and they will pick you up by the wayside and minister to your deepest needs and concerns thru all of this. Because you have remained humble and you have gone thru the process and have allowed the pressure to press you beyond measure...what has been produced is a precious oil from the crushing. An ointment that the world could never produce or manufacture is what the Almighty God has produced...and He has done this thing in you because you said YES to Him! He's deemed you trustworthy to walk in and thru the crowds with His most precious ointment...with the glory that has been revealed in and thru you.

Your labor has not been in vain and the generations to come will honor you because you have remained faithful.... and that unto the dying of your flesh.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

It's One of Them Days

It’s one of them days…so much to do and so little time to do it. I’m feeling a lot of something but I really can’t put it into words. I’m tired…that’s a definite. I’m looking for something more out of life, but I can’t quite put my finger on what it is I’m looking for. As I’ve been sayin’ over and over again, there’s got to be something more to life than the present. I’m expecting some great things to manifest in my life. I know I don’t feel it today but it doesn’t change the fact that God is God! Today I can’t argue, fight, or complain…that would take too much energy but in the final analysis it wouldn’t change a darn thing! So, I say it today…GOD BE GOD in my life.

Although I don't feel it, I’m looking for great things to come my way…

I wonder…

Monday, September 12, 2005

Why He Chose Us

We are the voice of today. We are the leaders of this whole generation. You know why? We choose what in this world will succeed, and what in it will fail. We choose what rappers will be hot. We choose what albums will sell millions. Our voice is heard much louder than any other generation today. We have more power and control than any other generation before us. Our parents did not have Cell phones growing up. Our mothers didn’t wear make-up and have $200 purses in Junior High. Our fathers didn’t skip school to make sure he got every pair of Jordan’s that came out.

You want to know how much power you have? Tease one of your parents about their old-school sneakers or played out jeans, and the next time they go out shopping they will have you in mind when they choose what they’re going to buy. They know that if YOU think they made a good choice, then they can be “cool” again. They know if anybody knows what’s “in” and what’s “played out” YOU WILL KNOW! Why? Because we are the generation that decides what is “in” and what ain’t. If Gucci decides to sell a brand new Stiletto Timberland boot design and you don’t buy it, then Gucci goes out of style, and out of business. If Lil’ Jon puts a record out and you don’t bounce to it in the club, then Lil’ Jon loses million$.

We, as young people of today, have the power to decide what will happen tomorrow. We, as young people, decide what is playa’, and what ain’t playa’. God chose us to be the Prophets of this generation. We have the power to prophecy and control the future in many ways. The most profitable companies in the world are the companies that market its products to young people. If a billionaire like Bill Gates puts out a new computer, it better have a CD burner, or mp3 player, because we as young people don’t buy CDs anymore. We burn them. If Coach puts out a new purse for the summer, it better come in Purple, Candy Apple Red, Pink, Green, Blue, Fluorescent Blue, Sky Blue, Aqua, and Baby Blue, because we don’t just mess with Black and Brown any more.

The biggest voices of today are also some of the youngest as well. The ones we put on pedestals and made famous. We don’t know Al Sharpton like we know Ludacris. We don’t know Huey Newton’s Black Panther Movement like we know Lil’ Jons Crunk Movement. We don’t know Martin Luther King’s speeches like we know 50 Cent’s raps. Still, we have yet to realize that we have this power, we all have this power. The same power that TuPac had, the same power that Biggie had, the same power that Jay-Z and 50 Cent have. But 2pac and Biggie didn’t use they’re prophetic gift for the purpose God gave it to them for. And we pray Jay-Z and 50 Cent do before their time expires. But they are still powerful prophets whether or not they use their gift for its saving purpose, the purpose it was intended. Psychics are real. They are Prophets, gifted by God who have decided to use their spiritual gift to get paid. Rapping prophets like Biggie and Pac have both predicted that they would die before their time tragically. When Pac was alive he had the power to unify and divide a whole generation, whichever way he chose. He had the power to lead people with his rhymes, and they would follow with no question. If Pac had said, “kill all cops”, Policemen everywhere would have turned up dead.

We all have our choices and decisions that we must make that will determine our futures and our destiny’s, and even the present day. We Choose. This is why God chose YOU. Now I ask you, what will you do with your power?

the street king,

Thursday, September 08, 2005

God is Faithful

If I can’t say anything else, God is faithful. Yesterday, the 7th of September, marked seven years that my father passed this life. I remember it like it was yesterday, but what I reflect on the most is God’s hand of protection. I literally thought that I was going to lose my mind when I found out my father had passed. I thought the end of the world had come and I didn’t want anything more to do with anything. Really, I made it appear to people as if things were okay, however, inside I was a wreck. Maybe I’m the only one who went through this but my daddy was everything to me. The older I became, the closer we got. We would talk everyday about aspects of life and we developed a friendship although I never ever forgot that he was my father. Looking back today and seeing how far I have come, the only thing I can say is God is faithful. He told me that He would never leave me or forsake me. Although there have been many days along this journey called LYFE that I have wanted to give up because of the despair that I felt, the Sacred on the inside of me, had to overcome my secular mindset to get me to see that I was not forsaken. As much as I wanted to kick and scream and complain and vent, which I do on occasion, it couldn’t take away from my discovery of God’s infinite wisdom and plan for my life. God is good and He is faithful and He is all knowing. I can really go on and on about His goodness and kindness because I was about to walk away from him seven years ago because I was so angry at Him for deciding to take my father away from me. I blamed God I wanted to say that I hated Him; I was completely upset because He didn’t do what I wanted Him to do when I wanted Him to do it and exactly the way I wanted it to be done.

I discovered that God’s plan is so much different from my plan and my object in life is to take my plans and lay them at the foot of the cross. This is what I discovered from the harsh reality of walking through life without my father. Through the pain of losing a loved one I discovered how much I need the Lord in my life to help me. The passage of scripture that I reflected on during that time was found in the book of Isaiah when King Uzziah died and the prophet Isaiah said, once the king was dead, that he also saw the Lord…

I can’t help but ask if it took my father’s passing for me to see God? Hmmm…it’s something to think about. The harsh reality of life is when things are going good; we rarely feel a dependency on God. It, unfortunately, takes death and sickness and disappointment and heartache and disaster to realize how the flesh that we are wrapped in is insufficient for this world we live in. In order to make it and live the abundant life that God desires we must find ourselves wrapped in Him, the all-wise and true God, the Creator, the Father and Giver of Life. I found, through tragedy and disappointment, that God is…

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Don't Miss It

There is so much that is about to take place. I implore everyone to get into position! God has called you to a specific work...and it's not something that you are comfortable in doing; this is where the need for God comes into play. God will not change His mind...He doesn't have to change His mind...because who knows better than you what He placed inside of you? Trust in Him and know that He is God! I am in probably the most uncomfortable place that I've been in my entire life...and yet, I hear God telling me to press through and seek Him even the more. There is so much that I am sensing in the spirit and at this point, I'm just thankful that I haven't lost my mind. I thank Him for His Grace. With all of the destruction that took place in the Gulf, why wasn’t I one of the ones destroyed? As bad as I’ve been, He should have wiped me out. He should have taken what He called and chose me to do and given it to someone who was more faithful...but, with all that, He still has His hand of protection around me and has called me to the battle for such a time as this. For that I am grateful. There are some things that God placed in me a long time ago that are now coming to fruition. This is why things have been so tight! This is why the turmoil came into being, so that you could use this wake up call as a time to get realigned and prepared for active duty! This is not the time to play around! There are some serious things that are taking place in the world and if you’re not rooted and grounded, you won’t be able to understand the signs of the times.

Remember, during this time of great fluctuation, God still is yet on the throne. Even with the disaster that took place in the gulf, you have to know that God was not surprised! With the death of the Chief Justice of the United States of America, God isn’t surprised. In His word, He says that He sets up and takes down. The season is shifting so brace yourselves for what’s getting ready to take place. This is just the beginning of the transition. It doesn’t take God a long time to do what He sets out to do. As a matter of fact, I’ve been saying for sometime now that when He begins, it’s going to be done SUDDENLY! As if it was done overnight or something…be prayerful during this time and no that God’s getting ready to manifest Himself to those who’ve been faithful.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Happy Labor Day!

We will return on Tuesday...have a blessed Holiday!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I'm Here Again?

The Lord has led me, yet again, into another season of obscurity. How? By calling me into a place where very few folks, saved and unsaved, can ever go. This is a place where you lose your complete identity. You see; I was one of those people who thought I could have the best of both worlds. I was one of those who would get caught from those who were caught up and before I knew it, I’d be in their world living vicariously through their situations and circumstances whatever the case would be. But today that stops. I have to do a much better job of guarding my surroundings. I have to guard my spirit against the forces that are trying to penetrate against the very nature of God. They are out there, waiting, lurking in the shadows waiting for me to put my guard down. I have to spend some good time with the Lord so He can show me what is to come! So He can get more of Him in me and, this as I’ve said before, costs my entire life!

God has been beckoning me to come near unto Him for a while now, and from what took place, or should I say, what began last year, I didn’t want to go down another route of this magnitude. I didn’t want to spend that much time with God because when I’m all-alone with Him, I have to see myself for who I really am. I can’t fudge myself up and make myself look all sappy! I can’t make myself out to be something I’m not the way others can! So, pretty much, to go where He’s leading me I have to give up relationships that I’ve had with people in order to not lean on them. I don’t know about you, but me, I do a great job of leaning on people. I do a great job letting people know how much I need them in my life. I can be just like other young people who always want to take their friends with them along for the ride.

Well, it stops here! God is calling me to a higher place of worship and this place is only fit for me. I don’t even know why, nah…yes I do, I know why God has been calling on me to step up. Because I said yes to Him! I said to Him years ago that I didn’t want to be ordinary. I didn’t want to be casual. I didn’t want to be average. I wanted to go where others couldn’t go in the spiritual realm. I wanted to focus in on the majors instead of doing what a lot of people do, major in the minors. That’s not me. I didn’t go through (I say this all the time!) all that I went through for an average anointing. The God in me is ready to burst out and come forth! The God on the inside of me is accepting the charge that has been given to me to arise and possess the Kingdom. Meaning, take over any and every situation and circumstance that comes my way. God didn’t give me anything average; He gave me something concrete and unmovable. He placed inside of me words that will break bondage and loose shackles for thousands and thousands of folk.

There is nothing to worry or fear because God is with me. He’s better than with me, He is inside of me manifesting to the world His good pleasure. Yes, it hurts. The pain is great that I’m going through right now. The pain of Him showing me the people that can’t go with me is something that I had never experienced to the degree that I’m experiencing now. As a matter of fact, if I would have known that it was going to feel anything like this, I may have turned around and said, “Forget It!” But it’s too late now; (in the words of Leonardo di Caprio, from the motion picture Titanic) I’m involved! My everything is in this because it has cost me everything I have. Everything that I have ever desired all of a sudden means nothing to me. To me, now I don’t care what comes…although I really do, if you can understand that statement. It doesn’t matter to me what happens because I know that the Lord is going to do what it is He does! He set me up but it’s okay because I know that my Father is rich in mercy and grace. I know that He won’t do me wrong. Although it may look like it’s bad, in God nothing is bad, except when you walk away from Him and quit Him! Me, I’m no quitter. I take a lick and keep on ticking. It’s going to take more than what I’m going through to get me to walk away! God has me in hiding. I’ve been saying this for a while know, because He’s taking me to the generations! He’s not allowing me to waiver. He’s not allowing me compromise with the traditions of men. It’s hard as hell but what do I do? Do I stop? Hell no, I just said that I’m not a quitter. I’ve lost too much to quit.

There are two special people who have passed into the next life that didn’t die in vain. Richard O. Brown Jr. and Michael Lee DeShay, My father and my mentor/teacher. And when I see them again, I’ll let them know that their labor was not worthless. The time they spent preparing me for the world was time well spent. The time they spent going off on me when I needed it was time well spent. The time that they took out of their busy schedules didn’t go unnoticed to me and I thank God this day for giving them to me. If they could see me now, I’m sure they’d be proud of the circumstances and temptations that I have endured to get to where I am today. As proud of me as they’d be, I know that Michael would tell me not to get excited over yesterday because yesterday is gone! Michael would tell me that I couldn’t judge today by the standards of yesterday! He’d give me a list of things that I need to watch out for and then tell me, God speed son!
They’ve both been gone now from the physical for seven years, and it feels just like yesterday that God promoted them to glory!

Like I’ve said, this dimension that I’ve been charged to endure is painful but it’s for my making. It’s making me into the man of God that is being sent to the generations for such a time as this. Now is not the time for just book knowledge, in and of itself. Now is the time for power and demonstration coupled with teaching of the word of God. I can’t pick and choose what part of the Bible I’m going to follow. The word is the word, nothing more, nothing less!

I’ve been trying to escape this death walk of sorts. Why? Because whenever I’m beckoned on this particular obstacle course, I see what I don’t want to see. I discover what I didn’t want to discover. The things that are done in secret, God shines His light on them and then I’m held accountable for what I do with what He’s now shown me. There is a part of me that wishes that I would have taken the other pill (play on words taken from the motion picture, The Matrix), but I took the pill that has now brought me to this place, the point of no return!

Prayerfully, I’ll see you, if you make it!
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